Friday, February 16, 2024

what is meant by --max-request-journal-entries and --no-request-journal in wiremock configuration

max-request-journal-entries and no-request-journal in wiremock configuration

In WireMock, the request journal is a built-in feature that keeps a record of incoming requests and their corresponding responses. It can be helpful for debugging and analysis purposes.

--max-request-journal-entries is an option that allows you to set a limit on the number of requests that the request journal stores. When this limit is reached, older requests will be removed from the journal to make room for new ones. By setting this option, you can control the memory usage of the request journal.

For example, using --max-request-journal-entries=10000 will limit the request journal to store a maximum of 10,000 requests.

--no-request-journal is an option that disables the request journal entirely. When this option is used, WireMock will not store any requests or responses in the request journal. Disabling the request journal can help reduce memory consumption and improve performance, especially during load testing or in production environments where request logging is not necessary.

In summary:

--max-request-journal-entries: Sets a limit on the number of requests stored in the request journal.

--no-request-journal: Disables the request journal completely.

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